The only beach on the island of Andros with safety nets for Jellyfish.

The only beach on the island of Andros with safety nets for Jellyfish.
13 July 2022

The only beach on the island of Andros with safety nets for Jellyfish.

A very important initiative was taken by the Beach Bar Apothikes to deal with the problem of purple jellyfish in Apothikes beach of Andros island. Priority is the safety of bathers for carefree moments on the beach.

With the use of the specific nets, the recycling and renewal of the water is not prevented, but it remains protected from the ocean wildlife.



Also, purple jellyfish have been spotted on many beaches of Andros. They are considered one of the most dangerous species of jellyfish in the Mediterranean and their sting is painful due to the neurotoxin they contain. The population outbreak of purple jellyfish in the Aegean has started since October 2020 and is expected to last for about 2 more years.


Analytically the care steps:

  1. Wash carefully with sea water, without rubbing the area of ​​the sting.
  2. If available, apply a mixture of seawater and baking soda (in a 1:1 ratio) for two minutes to stop any additional venom secretion from possible remnant tentacle cells left on the skin.
  3. We use a plastic bank card or similar (not our hands) to remove the baking soda mixture and any residue from our skin
  4. Apply ice to the bite for 5-15 minutes. Ice, or even an iced soft drink, should be in a bag or other covering, such as a cloth or t-shirt.
  5. Check if the pain has subsided, and if necessary reapply ice for another 5-15 minutes.
  6. If the pain persists, consult a doctor or pharmacist to prescribe pain relievers or anti-inflammatory creams (such as 3-4% lidocaine and hydrocortisone).
  7. DO NOT wrap the bite site tightly with bandages, DO NOT use vinegar, NOR fresh water, NOR alcohol, NOR ammonia.