Pythara Waterfalls

Waterfalls of Pythara in Andros
The waterfalls of Pythara is located in Apοikia at a distance of ten minutes from the road through a smooth path full of vegetation. The route predisposes you to the beauty you will see in the “Fairyland” as the folk tradition calls it. Its abundant waters run rushing and create an amazing habitat in the green landscape forming waterfalls and lakes where aquatic life abounds. The springs are on Mount Petalo, in the area of Evrousies, and the estuary is at Gialia beach. It is a small ecosystem for many birds, amphibians and at the same time for rare species of plants and wildflowers that grow along the entire length of the ravine. Pythara is used for the irrigation of the fields and from 1863 until 1936 its waters moved the largest watermill in the Balkans, the "Fabrica" a little further down in the village.